“Dubbed ‘Africa’s Animator to the Stars’ (, Michael Robertson, owner and director of Toon53Productions, has built up a notable portfolio in the music and lyric video industry. Coming from a brand advertising background, Robertson has maintained versatility in animation production, and offers award winning animation, concept art, direction, editing and animation effects.

Established in 2008, Toon53 Productions is a boutique animation studio. Having initially focused on film and television, recently Robertson has successfully transitioned to focus on the music industry.

Under Robertson’s directorship, recent clients include Anne-Marie, Marshmello, Chvrches, A Day to Remember, Rasel, Brytiago, David Guetta, Aloe Blacc, James Arthur, Juicy J, Amr Diab and Volbeat (to name a few). At present, Toon53 Productions has produced work for over 60 artists over the past 3 years, the most viewed being Marshmello & Anne-Marie’s ‘Friends’ (578 million views). Recipients of the ‘Best Music Video’ at the Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival; ‘Best Music Video Platinum Award’ at the Hollywood Film Competition; ‘Best Music Video’ at the Chandler International Film Festival; and ‘Animation Winner’ at the Bucharest Shortcut Cinefest, Robertson’s animated videos often convey a provocative, high energy aesthetic that compliments audio productions.”
